Finance Highlights 03/17/25
Item 06.02.25: Committee approved a request for consideration of an unsolicited proposal regarding the old Police Headquarters. Developer Mike Mouron has floated the idea of turning the site into a steakhouse, surrounded by a walkable, family-friendly park. There was a lot of discussion about whether or not other entities should be allowed to offer a design or solution for this piece of land. Mayor Wyatt explained how the property has been vacant for a long time, and that not only is this developer offering to do this with no incentives, he will also foot the bill to build the park that will remain city property. The council will now discuss this at the next council meeting March 31, 2025 at 6:00pm.
Item 04.03.25: The committee approved allowing the mayor to sign a contract with EDT, Inc. for design services to plan a new crosswalk and parking layout at the main downtown intersection. The city will also replace the blinking lights with stop signs.
Agenda: https://bit.ly/4kyKxVc
Upcoming meeting schedules: https://bit.ly/3bvufcT
Archived meetings: http://bit.ly/2UiSIaA
Watch the full video above to learn more about all the items presented.
Public Safety Highlights 03/17/25
tem 06.03.25: Committee approved a request to consider an Ordinance to prevent parking at the Saulter pocket park for non-park visitors. Committee agreed to limit the time you can be parked there as well as approving this Ordinance which will make it enforceable for police. This item will now go before the full council for a vote February 24, 2025 at 6:00pm.
Agenda: https://bit.ly/41AEMxF
Upcoming meeting schedules: https://bit.ly/3bvufcT
Archived meetings: http://bit.ly/2UiSIaA
Watch the full video above to learn more about all the items presented.
Planning & Development Highlights 03/17/25
Item 07.03.25: City Engineer Cale Smith presented a report to the committee detailing updates to the zoning and sign ordinances. Key changes include:
**Building Height Regulations**: The maximum height for attached dwellings will now be measured from the pre-construction grade. Previously, the city did not require topographical surveys, but moving forward, new construction must include a topographical survey before a permit is issued.
**Sign Ordinance Updates**:
- The existing ordinance remains largely unchanged.
- Prohibited signs now include billboards and rope lights.
- Residential lawn signs: Homeowners may display up to two temporary signs.
- Non-residential districts: Real estate signs are now permitted, which was previously not allowed.
- Brookwood Mall references have been removed from the ordinance.
- Downtown signage: Internally illuminated signs are now prohibited.
- Boundary Regulations: To enforce impervious area regulations, a boundary survey will now be required.
Item 08.03.25: This item, which was a request to rezone property at 8 Bonita Drive, was dropped and is no longer being considered.
Upcoming meeting schedules: https://bit.ly/3bvufcT
Archived meetings: http://bit.ly/2UiSIaA
Watch the full video above to learn more about all the items presented.