March 5, 2025
Planning Commission Highlights 03/04/25 Case 25.03.01: A request to rezone 8 Bonita Drive, comprising 0.46 acres, from its current zoning designation of NPD, Neighborhood Preservation District, to a C-2, Neighborhood Shopping District zoning classification to permit the construction of a two-story medical office building, containing a total of 7,160 sq. ft., for use by Alabama Pediatrics. The applicant is seeking to allow Alabama Pediatrics, a long-established, locally owned practice, to build a new facility that better meets their needs. The current building is aging, difficult to renovate, and not owned by them. The Planning Commission had a 0-5 negative vote with one abstention. This will now move to the full council to be considered. Cases 25.03.02 through 25.03.05: These items were requests for rezoning to accommodate a new community, Creekside, south of Lakeshore Drive near Samford University's campus. The development aims to create a livable, town square-style environment. There was a very large community response with many concerns. Colin Coyne, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer for Samford University, addressed the crowd and acknowledged the school’s past shortcomings as a neighbor, but emphasized that things have changed in the last few years. He made it clear they’re serious about being an active, engaged part of the community. He welcomed open conversations, promising to meet with anyone as long as needed to address concerns. With a background in environmental management, he recognized the community’s worries about traffic and sustainability, stressing that Samford has a responsibility to find real, lasting solutions—especially for watershed management along Shades Creek. He reassured residents that the university is committed to improving its properties, working with neighbors, and making decisions that align with both its academic and faith-based mission. Commission members told the applicant they would not support the item and suggested pausing to engage the public in further discussions so that they would have a better understanding of the project. In response, the applicant, Landmark Development, requested that the item be carried over until next month. MORE HERE Agenda: Upcoming meeting schedules: Archived meetings: For all the details about this meeting watch the video above.